30 Days of The Plaza, Day 23: The Ultimate Rocky Horror Trivia Quiz: Esoterica for Hardcore Obsessives!

Posted on: Jul 13th, 2012 By:

Lips Down on Dixie performs at The Plaza.

If it weren’t for The Plaza Theatre, where would we get our Friday midnight ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW fix with live stage show by Lips Down on Dixie?!  If you haven’t been in a while or are – shudder – a Rocky virgin, maybe it’s time to lust after a sweet transvestite and do the Time Warp again. Think you remember it well? For the third in our series of Rocky trivia quizzes, we asked our resident expert in all things RHPS to titillate you with her most difficult questions yet…

1. Name the date and location of the world premiere of THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW.

2.  Who supplied the singing voice for Peter Hinwood/Rocky Horror?

3. Which cast member appeared in RETURN OF THE JEDI?

4.  Is the newspaper that Janet uses to shield herself from the rain a) an actual copy of the newspaper “The Plain Dealer” or b) a mock-up of “The Plain Dealer”?

5.  The “castle” featured in the film is currently:
a) a private residence
b) a hotel
c) a set located on the backlot of Bray Studios

6. THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW was the film debut of which principal cast member?

7. Was the glowing dome on top of the castle: a) an optical effect added in post-production or b) a real dome?

8. What type of car does Brad drive?

9. Five cast members of the original London stage production of THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW went on to appear in the film version.  Name all five.

10.  Is the church depicted in the opening wedding scene a real church?





1.  August 14, 1975 at London’s Rialto Theater on Coventry Street
2. Trevor White
3.  Sadie Corre, the shortest Transylvanian, played an Ewok.
4.  B–it is a mock up featuring the fictitious headline “6 Big Ohio Utilities Seeking Rate Boosts”
5.  Oakley Court is currently a luxury hotel
6.  It is Tim Curry‘s feature film debut
7.  The fiberglass and metal geodesic dome was constructed for the film.  It was approximately 25 feet in diameter and was lifted to the top of the castle by a crane.
8. A 1967 Ford Country Squire
9. Tim Curry, Richard O’Brien, Patricia Quinn, Little Nell and Jonathan Adams.
10.  No.  It was a set constructed for the movie.

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