30 Days of The Plaza, Day 17: We All Live in a Yellow Submarine with the Nowhere Man

YELLOW SUBMARINE (1968); Dir: George Dunning; Starring and featuring music by The Beatles; Plaza Theatre, Thurs. June 28, 9:30 PM ($9); Fri. June 29, 8:30 p.m.; and Sun. July 1, 3:30 p.m. (adults, $7.50 and kids under 12, $4); trailer here.

This animated wonder starring The Beatles is made for viewing on the big screen. You may be thinking I’ve seen it, but take our little trivia quiz to see if you really remember how cool it is and all the psychedelic details. If not, take advantage of three chances to see it at The Plaza tonight and this weekend, including a Sunday matinee for the kids. My parents took me to see a reissue of it when I was very little and they weren’t even Beatles fans! And yeah, I just thought Lucy in the Sky was a pretty chick.

1. First off, an easy one, who are the villains and what weapons do they pummel at the good people of Pepperland?

2. How is John Lennon introduced in the movie?

3. In which sea are our heroes sailing in the Yellow Submarine to “Only a Northern Song”?

4. What is the name of the Nowhere Man?

5. Who defeats the Indians?

6. What does John announce after looking through the telescope?

7. From what show, is George Harrison‘s recurring line, “It’s All in the Mind,” taken from?

8. What type of skies are above the boat on the river in which viewers are asked to picture themselves in “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”?

9. What would happen if the Nowhere Man spoke in prose, instead of in rhyme?

10. Which Liverpudlian poet was responsible for much of the humorous dialogue in the movie?

Scroll Down for Answers




1. Blue Meanies and big green apples (or terrible flying hand).
2. As Frankenstein’s monster who drinks a potion and turns into himself.
3. Sea of Science
4. James Hilary Boob PhD
5. The US Cavalry
6. Newer and bluer Meanies have been sighted “within the vicinity of this theatre” and there is only one way to go out: “Singing!”
7. The Goon Show
8. Marmelade
9. “You’d all find out I don’t know what I talk about.”
10. Robert McGough

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