Metal Memories: Skid Row Will Rock Your Face at Wild Bill’s This Friday Just as Hard as They Ever Did

By Angelica Bakhsh
Contributing Blogger

This Friday night (Sept. 16) at Wild Bill’s in Duluth, Skid Row will take to the stage just as they have for the last 25 years. In spite of several line-up changes, Rachel Bolan, Dave “Snake” Sabo and Scotti Hill have hung in strong. These three, along with singer of 12 years Johnny Solinger and their new-ish drummer, Rob Hammersmith, will no doubt rock our faces just as hard, if not harder, than we have come to expect. I hear the guys plan to play a set of songs from each of their albums, so you will get to experience all of your favorites from the span of their five full-length releases. This is no doubt a perfect show for long-time and new fans alike.

Left to Right: Hill, Bolan, Solinger, Hammersmith, Sabo. Photo credit: Fran Strine.

Bassist Rachel Bolan says we are in for a few surprises. The guys will be sharing the stage with local favorites Bigfoot which happens to include Jimmy Write. Jimmy, one of Atlanta’s finest guitar players, is in Rachel’s and Rob’s other band The Quazimotors. I’m crossing my fingers that this means we may get to hear a few of those songs. Dangerous New Machine are also playing in the opening slot.

Seeing Skid Row play at Wild Bill’s is always worth the trek. The crowd there is really into the music and it shows. When people drive to see a band in Duluth, they go because they want to, not because it’s convenient. There is something extra nice about seeing a band you love with likeminded people. No one acts as if they are too cool to be there, as tends to happen often here inside the perimeter and that’s refreshing. Rachel and Rob are both Atlanta residents, so you also get that feeling of hometown love from the fans. Top that with this being a make-up show from a cancelled date this last June and you know the event will be nothing short of kick-ass.

At press time, tickets were still available. Buy them here.

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